Google reader roundup:

Oh, Google Reader, how I love thee. Here's a roundup of some of my morning reading:

1. SHE'S moving and looking at fancy houses in Atlanta. I recently had dinner with people from Atlanta. This chick told me that she lives in an apartment and not one, but TWO people in her building have Bentleys. Self-righteous conversations about investing your money wisely and maybe buying a home before leasing a car ensued. Was also told that studded jeans were happening there in a big way. I enjoy thinking that the whole town is full of Real Housewives. Anyway, Atlanta seems like a crazy place. We also heard stories of people buying homes so big and letting them sit empty because they can't afford to furnish them. Atlanta just sounds like another country to me. Fancy with a capital F. Not in a bad way. Just different. But look at this kitchen from a house she's eyeing. Sweet Jesus! It's bigger than my living room. Oh, Atlanta, you know how to roll.

2. THESE ladies have a new home for their blog. The photos seem bigger, which I like. Yay them.

3. Did you see the cover of last month's Canadian House and Home magazine? If so, you saw photos of this basement makeover. Click HERE to see their video about the transformation. It gives me hope for our basement. Someday it won't be full of empty boxes, bikes, and piles of forgotten laundry. Someday we might actually make some rooms down there. Dare to dream. I think THIS is the before of her basement.

Watching this video before I've had coffee in the morning reminds me why I don't watch any HGTV. The forced cheerfulness and the completely awful opening sequence are super irritating. (Found the link to the show courtesty of My Notting Hill.)

Enjoy your Wed.

(Photo at top from HERE.)