While browsing via my latest adda (hindi for: a place where you hangout), I came across rooms, all scanned from magazines, that had Retro and/or India written all over them. You would know what my next thought was - I have to share these gems with you!
(sorry, the images are a bit grainy...)
The swing (jhoola) - common feature in traditional Indian homes. This room seems to be from a haveli
The crowded corner and center table :)
Low stools (moodha) - you can find these selling along the highways, especially in the north and central India

Beautiful latticed wooden screen. Below the low sitting arrangement is footwear: kolhapuri chappals and mojris
Love these wooden shutters!
Different forms of low diwan style sitting in the following pics:
The charpoy!
Bright rugs, on the floor or on the wall..
Cosy sitting nook in the form of a niche (aala)
The canopy is a stylised form of very typical design used in the tents for weddings..
Gorgeous bedrooms..
P.S: thanks for your emails in response to my last post. Blogger is still excruciatingly slow for me, but atleast the images are getting uploaded. And I will take your suggestion about dropping in a mail to blogger - hopefully that should help.